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A year in Review : 2017

Marissa George

2017 is coming to an end, can you believe it?! It is around this time (right after christmas), that we begin to take stock of all the things we've accomplished, or experience throughout the year. 2017 was a big year for me, i hit a milestone birthday, as well as celebrated with those i love. The year was full of celebrating, from weddings, to birthdays, to graduations. It was exhasting at some points, but totally worth experiencing the joy and sucess of my friends and family. More than anything, this was my year of revival, the year of intentionality, mindfullness and the stregnthing of my spirituality. I took intiatives and reached goals that i know will benefit the quality of my life in the new year. Here are my top moments and experiences in 2017.

1. Turning 30. I remember turning 20 and feeling like i would be in my 20s forever. I had no idea the many lessons i would learn and the great friendships i would aquire during those 10 years. Turning 30 was an amazing moment, because i felt like all the twist and turns, and the abandoned plans all lead me to a moment of peace. I turned 30 knowing that God has be at the right place in my life.

2. My best friends wedding. This summer i had the privaledge of watching one of my best friends get married in a beautiful Indian ceremony. Being friends since college we were there for each others ups and downs and i could not be anymore happy to watch her on the happiest day of her life.

3. Disney World. I spent my 30th birthday at Disney world, so of course it would make my top 10 list.

4. My siblings graduated. My siblings graduated from highschool and college, a month from each other. As a big sister i could'nt have been prouder to experince the joy in their success with them.

5. Financial Peace. For 9 weeks i attended the financial peace class by Dave Ramsey. Turning 30 made me aware of the some skills i had not yet mastered, and being financially savy was one of them. Although i still am not completely where i want to be, i now know how to be intentional with my finances.

6. Completing my first year as a psychologist. The journey to becoming a credentialed school psychologist was a long one. Completing my first year was a surreal moment. Although i was exhausted by the end of the school year, i felt a sence of accomplishment knowing that i am a career women.

7. Book Club. I love reading, i remember being a preteen reading Jane Austin books and desperatly wanting to talk about it to my friends. Unfortunately there were not many 12 year olds reading Jane Austin or excited about books in my friendsgroup. Fast forward 18 years and i finally am a part of a book club, and can finally share and experience the joy of reading life chancing books.

8. Bootcamp. I am not one who enjoys physical fitness, especially when it is first thing in the morning. Nevertheless i comitted to a 6 weeks bootcamp class that started at 6 am. Completing the class was difficult, painful, and a huge milestone. It was a reminder that i can get to where i want to be with my health, and the hard work does pay off.

9. Northern California. This year was my first full year in Northern California and i am beyond happy with the decision i made in 2016 to move to the north for work. The friendships and experiences have made it feel like home, and have given me a sence of independence i might not have experience if i stayed in New York. Looking forward to more laughter, girls nights, and experiences in 2018.

10. Blogging. My first blog was back in 2010 and it lasted all of two months. After that major fail, i started and stoped blogging many times, finding it difficult to figure out my niche,and what exactly i wanted to express. I have always loved the idea of curating an intentional lifestyle that is within reach of all women, no exclusions. This year i embraced my love of writing, reading, fashion and lifestyles, as i continue on this blogging journey i hope to create a community of women looking to live above the standards set for women.

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