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6 Thing to do this week to make your life better

Marissa George

September has officially begun! Can you believe it? The kids are off to school, and the laid back summer relaxing is now over. Now that fall is around the corner, i do not know about you but i am looking to revamp my routine and get my life back in order. Here on the TLE my goal is to simplify the complicated and alleviate the anxiety that is attached to adulating. With the limited time we have during the weak, finding simple tricks to cut wasted time, money and energy is the only way to feel like were doing this adult thing the right way.

1. Shop early.

Everyone loves to sleep in on a sunday morning. However, the early bird gets the less crowded, worm. If you meal prep on sunday or typically go shopping on a sunday, getting everything you need for your early, gives you more time to do more with your weekend.

2.Schedule your chores

We all have parts of our home that get messier with each passing day (Im looking at your kitchen counters). Leaving your chores for one day, like friday can be overwhelming. Make a list of chores, whether by room, or category, divide by day and conquer. By working smarter, not harder you'll have your home looking brand new in no time.

3.Budget, Budget, Budget

Sundays are perfect for reviewing my budget for the week. I create my budget at the start of every month and use cash for all non online bill payments. My gas, grocery, movie tickets, restaurant visits are all payed by cash. If you do not do a monthly budget ( you should be), you can still create a weekly budget to prevent over spending. On a sunday look at your calendar for the week, will you have a doctors visit that requires a copay, dinner with friends. What you do during the week will effect your budget, so plan accordingly. *Pro tip* Be sure to have enough wiggle room in your budget for unexpected expenses.

4.Plan, Plan, Plan ahead

Do you remember that saying we heard over and over again in high school, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". Although this was a way for teachers to remind students to study for upcoming test and quizzes, as an adult planning ahead saves time and lessens the already long to do list for the week. For example, If you are like me and rarely feel like cooking during the week day, plan ahead by meal prepping. Planning for a least favorable task and sticking to it, is the best way to get it done before procrastination sets in.

5.Follow the "Full hands" method

Coffee tables, kitchen counters, bedside tables, the list goes on. Are all areas that accumulate clutter. One way to keep these areas free of clutter or dishes is by using every trip to the kitchen as an opportunity to take a coffee mug, tea cup, or empty bottle to the kitchen. If you are watching tv use the commercial time to transport to the kitchen or quickly clean up and area. By keeping your hands full you eliminate clutter and keep clutter zones clean.

6. Midweek inventory

If you find yourself coming back from the store and realizing you forgot more than one thing, a midweek inventory would work for you. Use Wednesday as the day to check what you are in low supply of. Create a list and forget about it until shopping day. You'll not only spend less time in the grocery store, but you will always know what you are in need of, instead of playing the guessing game at the grocery store.

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