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Another Year Around the Sun!

Marissa George

It's 10:51 pm, the eve of my 36th birthday and my last few hours as a 35-year-old. I honestly can't believe an entire year has gone by, and if I am honest I'm not too sad to see 35 go!

last year around this time I was in Florida. And if you know me, you know that I go to Florida for one reason only, Disneyworld. It was extremely hot, it was rainy, and my feet were purple by the end of each day, but all i could think about is all the things I had not experienced or completed, and how life seemed to be running past me. In typical fashion, I wondered why life did not look the way I had hoped, and why I was still waiting on so many things. On the eve of my 35th, I was exhausted and anxious, and little did I know that would be the theme of my 35th year.

To say that this past year has been rough is a gross understatement. I sit here typing as a testament that God exists and has helped me put one foot in front of the other when all I wanted to do was check out of life. Although life has slowly improved, I still at times feel the trauma from all that occurred right after my 35th birthday. Now, only a few short hours from 36, I'm a little less tired, a little more sturdy, and a little more braver and wiser.

My 30s thus far have taught me to be tough, tough at work, and tough when life throws many unexpected and unhappy circumstances. I've learned so much as a single woman, and have been lucky enough to have a strong supportive community of friends and family. Although I am a single woman, I haven't made it thus far alone. There have been many conversations with friends and family, through laughter and tears they have made life feel less depressing at times. I can't give a forecast on what the next year will be like, but I can rest in the good that I have, and the new level of thickness that I wear with honor.

If 35 taught me to be tough, I hope that 36 teaches me to be brave. There are two bible texts that come to mind when I think of bravery. The first is in Joshua 1:9, and the second, is Isaiah 41:10, both are written with God's reassurance of his grace and protection, and best of all, even though love is not mentioned, I know that these words were spoken with the utmost love to those receiving the message. These texts remind me to be bold, and brave in my vision and hope for the future. To be unafraid to take risks, and to know that i am not alone in this journey, God is with me, and he has graciously given me an amazing community to support me. So Cheers to 36, and all the brave moments to come.


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